CSS Pseudo Elements


In CSS, a pseudo-element is a keyword that is added to a selector and allows you to style a specific part of an element. Pseudo-elements allow you to style elements in ways that are not possible with standard HTML, such as adding content before or after an element, or styling the first line or letter of an element.

Here are some common pseudo-elements that you might use in CSS:

::before: adds content before an element. ::after: adds content after an element. ::first-line: styles the first line of an element. ::first-letter: styles the first letter of an element.

Here’s an example of how you might use a pseudo-element:

p::first-line {
    font-size: larger;
    font-weight: bold;

This would make the first line of a paragraph larger and bold.

You can also use multiple pseudo-elements in a single selector. For example:

h1::before, h1::after {
    content: "---";

This would add ”---” before and after an h1 element.

It’s important to note that pseudo-elements are not supported in all browsers. Some older browsers may not support all pseudo-elements, so you should test your code in different browsers to ensure that it works as expected.