CSS Visibility


In CSS, the visibility property is used to control whether or not an element is visible.

There are two values that you can use with the visibility property:

  • visible: The element is visible. This is the default value.
  • hidden: The element is not visible, but it takes up space in the layout.

Here’s an example of how you might use the visibility property:

.my-element {
    visibility: hidden;

This would hide the element with the class my-element, but it would still take up space in the layout.

If you want to completely remove an element from the layout, you can use the display property instead. The display property has several values that you can use to control the layout of an element, including none, which removes the element from the layout and does not reserve any space for it.

Here’s an example of how you might use the display property:

.my-element {
    display: none;

This would remove the element with the class my-element from the layout and not reserve any space for it.