CSS3 Multi Background


In CSS, the background property is used to specify the background of an element. With CSS3, you can specify multiple backgrounds for an element using the background property and the background-image property.

Here’s an example of how you might use the background property to specify multiple backgrounds:

.my-element {
    background: url(image1.jpg) top left no-repeat,
    url(image2.jpg) top right no-repeat,
    url(image3.jpg) bottom left no-repeat,
    url(image4.jpg) bottom right no-repeat;

This would apply the four images as backgrounds to the element with the class my-element, with each image positioned in a different corner of the element.

You can also use the background-image property to specify multiple backgrounds, like this:

.my-element {
    background-image: url(image1.jpg),

This would apply the four images as backgrounds to the element with the class my-element, with each image stacking on top of the other in the order that they are specified.

You can use the background-position and background-repeat properties to specify the position and repeat behavior of each background image.