Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop


If you are seeing the error “Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop,” it means that your component is rendering too many times, potentially causing an infinite loop.

There are a few common causes of this error:

  1. Updating state in a loop: If you are updating the state of a component in a loop, this can cause an infinite loop of re-renders. Make sure to update the state only once, outside of the loop.

  2. Updating state based on the current state: If you are updating the state of a component based on its current state, you need to be careful to avoid an infinite loop. Make sure to use the functional form of setState to avoid this issue.

  3. Using setState in a render function: You should avoid using setState inside the render function, as this can cause an infinite loop of re-renders.

  4. Passing a prop that changes too often: If you are passing a prop that changes frequently to a child component, this can cause the child component to re-render too often. Make sure to optimize the prop by only passing it when it is actually needed.

To fix this error, you will need to identify the cause of the excessive re-renders and modify your code accordingly.