adminlte cakephp 4


AdminLTE is a popular open-source dashboard and admin panel template built with Bootstrap 4. You can use AdminLTE with a CakePHP 4 application to create a professional-looking and feature-rich admin panel.

To use AdminLTE with CakePHP 4, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Download and extract the AdminLTE template: You can download the latest version of AdminLTE from the official website ( Extract the downloaded zip file to a location on your computer.

  2. Integrate the template with your CakePHP application: You will need to copy the template’s CSS and JavaScript files to your application’s webroot/css and webroot/js directories, respectively. You can then include the CSS and JavaScript files in your application’s layout template using the HtmlHelper.

  3. Create the admin panel views: You can create the views for your admin panel in the Template/Admin directory. You can use the AdminLTE template’s HTML and Twig syntax to create the views and customize the look and feel of your admin panel.

By following these steps, you should be able to use AdminLTE with your CakePHP 4 application to create a professional-looking and feature-rich admin panel.

Note: These are just the basic steps for using AdminLTE with CakePHP 4. There are many additional customization options available, depending on your specific needs. You may need to modify the template’s code and configuration to fit the needs of your application.