angular scully generate route md file space replace


In Scully, you can use the --spaces-in-path option to specify the number of spaces to use when generating routes from markdown files.

For example, to generate routes with two spaces in the path, you can use the following command:

npx scully --spaces-in-path 2

This will generate routes with paths that use two spaces to separate the words in the file names. For example, a markdown file named my blog would be converted to the route /my%20blog%20post. The %20 characters are URL-encoded spaces.

You can also use the --replace-spaces option to specify a different character to use in place of spaces in the generated routes. For example, to replace spaces with underscores, you can use the following command:

npx scully --replace-spaces _

This will generate routes with paths that use underscores to separate the words in the file names. For example, the markdown file my blog would be converted to the route /my_blog_post.