apache age example


Here is a simple example of how you might use Apache AGE (Approximate Graph Engine) to perform graph analytics on a dataset stored in a relational database (RDB):

  1. First, you will need to set up an RDB and install AGE on it. This can typically be done by following the instructions provided in the AGE documentation.

  2. Once AGE is installed, you will need to create a graph in the RDB using the AGE data types and functions. For example, you might create a table to store the nodes of the graph, and another table to store the edges. Here is an example of how you might create these tables in MySQL:

  label VARCHAR(255)

  source INT,
  target INT,
  weight FLOAT,
  PRIMARY KEY (source, target),
  FOREIGN KEY (source) REFERENCES nodes(id),
  FOREIGN KEY (target) REFERENCES nodes(id)
  1. Once you have created the tables, you can populate them with data by inserting rows into the tables. For example, you might insert rows into the nodes table to represent the nodes of the graph, and rows into the edges table to represent the edges between the nodes.

  2. Once the graph data is loaded into the RDB, you can use AGE’s SQL functions and algorithms to perform various types of graph analytics. For example, you might use the shortest_path function to find the shortest path between two nodes in the graph, or the degree_centrality function to compute the degree centrality of the nodes. Here is an example of how you might use these functions in a MySQL query:

SELECT source, target, weight
FROM edges
WHERE (source, target) IN (
  SELECT * FROM shortest_path(
    'SELECT id, source, target, weight FROM edges',
    1,  -- starting node
    10, -- ending node

SELECT id, label, degree_centrality(id) as centrality
FROM nodes;

This is just a simple example of how you might use AGE to perform graph analytics on a dataset stored in an RDB. There are many other functions and algorithms available in AGE that you can use to perform a wide variety of graph analytics tasks.