cakephp hash password


To hash a password in a CakePHP application, you can use the Security::hash() method. This method uses the PHP password_hash() function to create a new password hash using a strong, one-way hashing algorithm.

Here is an example of how you can use the Security::hash() method to hash a password in a CakePHP application:

use Cake\Utility\Security;

$password = 'mypassword';
$hashedPassword = Security::hash($password, 'sha256');

This example hashes the $password string using the SHA-256 hashing algorithm and stores the result in the $hashedPassword variable.

You can use the Security::hash() method to create a new password hash when a user registers or updates their password. You can then store the hashed password in the database and use it to verify the user’s password when they log in.

You can refer to the CakePHP documentation for more information on the Security::hash() method and other security-related functions in CakePHP.