cakephp join two tables


To join two tables in a CakePHP application, you can use the join() method in a query. The join() method allows you to specify how the tables should be joined and what conditions should be used to determine which rows to include in the result.

Here is an example of how you can use the join() method to join two tables in a CakePHP application:

$query = $articlesTable->find();
  ->select(['', 'Articles.title', ''])
    'table' => 'authors',
    'alias' => 'Authors',
    'type' => 'INNER',
    'conditions' => ' = Articles.author_id'
  ->where(['Articles.published' => true]);
$articles = $query->toArray();

This example performs an INNER JOIN between the articles and authors tables on the author_id column. It selects the id, title, and name columns from the articles and authors tables and filters the result to include only published articles. The result is stored in the $articles array.

You can refer to the CakePHP documentation for more information on the join() method and other methods available for building queries in CakePHP.