how to monitor cpu and memory in nestjs


In NestJS, you can use the built-in Node.js process module to monitor CPU and memory usage.

To monitor CPU usage, you can use the process.cpuUsage() method, which returns an object containing the user and system CPU time used by the current process. You can call this method at regular intervals to track changes in CPU usage over time.

To monitor memory usage, you can use the process.memoryUsage() method, which returns an object containing information about the memory usage of the current process. This includes the amount of heap used, the amount of heap allocated, and the amount of memory used by other resources.

You can use these methods in combination with a monitoring library or tool to track CPU and memory usage over time, set thresholds for alerts, and perform other monitoring tasks.

Here’s an example of how you can use these methods in a NestJS application:

import { Controller, Get } from '@nestjs/common';
import * as os from 'os';

export class MonitoringController {
  getCpuUsage(): any {
    const usage = process.cpuUsage();
    const cpuUsage = (usage.user + usage.system) / (os.cpus().length * 1000 * 1000);
    return { cpuUsage: cpuUsage };

  getMemoryUsage(): any {
    const usage = process.memoryUsage();
    const memoryUsage = usage.heapUsed / usage.heapTotal;
    return { memoryUsage: memoryUsage };

In this example, the getCpuUsage method calculates the CPU usage as a percentage of the total CPU time available on the machine. The getMemoryUsage method calculates the memory usage as a percentage of the total heap memory allocated by the process.

How do I know which module is using a lot of memory?

To determine which module is using a lot of memory in a Node.js application, you can use a profiling tool like the built-in Node.js —inspect option or third-party tools like Chrome DevTools or the Node.js Profiler.

Here are the general steps to follow:

  1. Start your NestJS application with the —inspect option: node —inspect index.js. This enables the Node.js debugger and allows you to connect to it using a profiling tool.

  2. Connect to the Node.js debugger using a profiling tool like Chrome DevTools or the Node.js Profiler. In Chrome DevTools, you can open the DevTools window and go to the “Performance” tab. In the Node.js Profiler, you can use the —prof option to generate profiling data and then analyze it using the profiler tool.

  3. Once connected to the profiler, start recording a profiling session. This will capture data about the memory usage of your application over time.

  4. Perform typical operations in your application that you suspect may be causing high memory usage.

  5. Stop the profiling session and analyze the data. Look for modules or functions that are using a lot of memory or creating a lot of objects. You may need to drill down into individual function calls to identify the root cause of the memory usage.

  6. Once you have identified the module or function causing high memory usage, you can take steps to optimize it. This may involve optimizing algorithms, reducing the number of objects created, or reducing the amount of data stored in memory.

By following these steps, you can identify and optimize memory-intensive modules or functions in your NestJS application.

Can you check the performance of the code?

there are various ways to check the performance of code in a NestJS application. Here are some common methods:

  1. Profiling: Profiling tools can be used to identify performance bottlenecks in the code. Tools like Chrome DevTools, the Node.js Profiler, and third-party profilers can help you identify which parts of your code are taking the most time to execute, and where resources are being consumed.

  2. Benchmarking: Benchmarking tools can be used to measure the performance of different parts of your code in a controlled environment. You can use tools like Benchmark.js, which is a popular JavaScript benchmarking library, to compare the performance of different functions or modules in your application.

  3. Code review: Code reviews can be used to identify potential performance issues in your code. By reviewing the code with performance in mind, you can identify areas where optimizations can be made, such as reducing the number of database queries, caching results, or optimizing algorithmic complexity.

  4. Load testing: Load testing tools can be used to simulate high traffic scenarios and identify how your application performs under heavy load. Load testing can help you identify bottlenecks in your application architecture and configuration, and can help you optimize your application for high traffic scenarios.

By using a combination of these methods, you can identify and optimize performance issues in your NestJS application.

how to use Profiling?

Profiling is a technique for analyzing the performance of an application by measuring how long different parts of the code take to execute, and where resources are being consumed. In NestJS, you can use the built-in Node.js Profiler to profile your application.

Here are the general steps to follow:

  1. Start your NestJS application with the —inspect and —prof options: node —inspect —prof index.js. This enables the Node.js debugger and generates profiling data that can be analyzed later.

  2. Perform typical operations in your application that you suspect may be causing performance issues. This will generate profiling data that can be used to identify performance bottlenecks in the code.

  3. Stop the application and locate the profiling file. The profiling file will be named isolate-0xnnnnnnnnnnnn-v8.log, where 0xnnnnnnnnnnnn is the process ID of your application.

  4. Analyze the profiling data using the Node.js Profiler or a third-party profiling tool. The Node.js Profiler is a built-in tool that can be used to analyze profiling data generated by Node.js applications. To use it, run the following command: node —prof-process isolate-0xnnnnnnnnnnnn-v8.log.

  5. Use the profiler to analyze the profiling data and identify performance bottlenecks in the code. The profiler will provide a detailed breakdown of the time spent in each function, as well as information about memory usage and garbage collection.

  6. Once you have identified performance bottlenecks in the code, you can take steps to optimize them. This may involve reducing the number of database queries, caching results, or optimizing algorithmic complexity.

By following these steps, you can use profiling to identify and optimize performance issues in your NestJS application.