Can I change the Dojo namespace to something other than dojo


Yes, you can change the Dojo namespace to something other than dojo by using the dojoConfig object to specify a different namespace when you include the Dojo library in your HTML.

Here is an example of how you can do this:

<!-- include the Dojo library and specify a different namespace in the dojoConfig object -->
  var dojoConfig = {
    // specify the namespace for Dojo
    namespace: 'myDojo'
<script src="/path/to/dojo.js"></script>

With this configuration, you can access Dojo functions and objects using the myDojo namespace instead of the dojo namespace.

For example, you can use instead of, myDojo.xhrGet instead of dojo.xhrGet, and so on.

Keep in mind that changing the Dojo namespace can have unintended consequences, as it may affect other code that expects the Dojo namespace to be dojo. It is generally recommended to use the default dojo namespace unless there is a specific reason to change it.