How can you display Typing Speed using Javascript or the jQuery library


To display the typing speed using JavaScript or the jQuery library, you can use a keydown event handler to track the keys that the user is pressing and a timer to calculate the elapsed time.

Here is an example of how you can do this using JavaScript:

<!-- create an input element to track the user's typing -->
<input id="typing-input" type="text" />

<!-- create a paragraph element to display the typing speed -->
<p id="typing-speed"></p>

  // create a variable to track the number of keystrokes
  let keystrokes = 0;

  // create a variable to track the start time
  let startTime;

  // create a variable to track the elapsed time
  let elapsedTime = 0;

  // create a variable to track the typing speed
  let typingSpeed = 0;

  // get a reference to the input element and the typing speed element
  const input = document.getElementById('typing-input');
  const speedElement = document.getElementById('typing-speed');

  // add a keydown event listener to the input element
  input.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
    // increment the keystroke count

    // if this is the first keystroke, record the start time
    if (keystrokes === 1) {
      startTime = new Date().getTime();

  // add an input event listener to the input element
  input.addEventListener('input', event => {
    // calculate the elapsed time
    elapsedTime = new Date().getTime() - startTime;

    // calculate the typing speed
    typingSpeed = Math.round(keystrokes / (elapsedTime / 1000));

    // update the typing speed element
    speedElement.textContent = `Typing speed: ${typingSpeed} wpm`;

This example uses the keydown event to track the keys that the user is pressing and the input event to calculate the elapsed time and update the typing speed display.