How to show a spinner while loading an image via JavaScript


Here is an example of how you can show a spinner while loading an image using JavaScript:

// create a new image element
const imageElement = document.createElement('img');

// create a spinner element
const spinnerElement = document.createElement('div');
spinnerElement.innerHTML = 'Loading...';

// set the spinner as the content of the image element while the image is loading
imageElement.onload = () => {
  // remove the spinner once the image has finished loading
imageElement.onerror = () => {
  // remove the spinner if there was an error loading the image

// set the spinner as the content of the image element
imageElement.innerHTML = spinnerElement.outerHTML;

// set the src of the image element to start loading the image
imageElement.src = '';

// append the image element to the document

This will show the spinner while the image is being loaded, and remove the spinner once the image has finished loading or if there was an error loading the image.