javascript library to show photo album


There are several JavaScript libraries available that you can use to display photo albums on your website or web application. Here are some popular options:

  1. Fancybox: Fancybox is a jQuery-based library that allows you to create beautiful photo galleries and albums. It offers a variety of customization options and supports different types of media, including images, videos, and iframes.

  2. Lightbox: Lightbox is another jQuery-based library that lets you display images and galleries in a popup overlay. It offers responsive design and supports swipe gestures for mobile devices.

  3. Photoswipe: Photoswipe is a standalone JavaScript library that offers touch-friendly galleries and supports responsive design. It offers various features, such as zooming, panning, and fullscreen mode, and works with various image sources, such as Flickr, Instagram, and WordPress.

  4. Galleria: Galleria is a responsive jQuery-based library that offers various themes and customization options. It supports different types of media, including images, videos, and audio, and offers a fullscreen mode and a slideshow mode.

  5. Justified Gallery: Justified Gallery is a lightweight jQuery plugin that lets you create justified image grids, perfect for displaying photo albums. It offers various customization options, such as padding, margins, and row height.

These are just a few examples of the many JavaScript libraries available for displaying photo albums. You should choose a library that meets your specific requirements, such as the features you need, ease of use, and compatibility with your website or web application.