Prevent js alert() from pausing timers


When an alert is triggered in JavaScript, it pauses the execution of the code until the user interacts with the alert dialog box. This can cause timers to be delayed or stopped altogether.

One way to prevent alert() from pausing timers is to use window.setTimeout() or window.setInterval() instead of alert() to display messages or notifications to the user.

For example, instead of using:

alert("Hello World");

You can use:

setTimeout(function() {
  // Your code to display a message or notification
}, 0);

The setTimeout() function will delay the execution of the code inside the anonymous function for 0 milliseconds, which is enough time for the current JavaScript code to finish executing. This way, the timers will continue to run as expected.

Alternatively, you can use a library like SweetAlert, which provides a more customizable and flexible alternative to the native alert() function. SweetAlert does not pause the execution of the code and allows you to display custom messages and notifications without interfering with the timers.

// Example using SweetAlert library
swal("Hello World!");

Keep in mind that using alert() can also disrupt the user experience, so it is generally recommended to use more modern and interactive methods to display messages and notifications.