JavaScript Exception Handling


JavaScript exception handling is the process of catching and responding to errors that occur during the execution of a JavaScript program. When an error occurs in JavaScript, an exception is thrown, which can be caught and handled by the program. Exception handling is an important part of writing robust and reliable JavaScript code.

There are two types of exceptions in JavaScript: built-in exceptions and user-defined exceptions. Built-in exceptions are predefined by the JavaScript language, such as “SyntaxError” and “TypeError”. User-defined exceptions are created by the programmer to handle specific error conditions.

To handle exceptions in JavaScript, you can use the “try…catch” statement. The “try” block contains the code that might throw an exception, while the “catch” block contains the code that handles the exception. If an exception is thrown in the “try” block, control is passed to the “catch” block, which can then handle the exception or perform any necessary cleanup operations.

Here is an example of how to use the “try…catch” statement in JavaScript:

try {
  // Code that might throw an exception
} catch (error) {
  // Code to handle the exception

In this example, any exception that occurs in the “try” block will be caught by the “catch” block. The “error” parameter in the “catch” block is an object that contains information about the exception, including the error message and stack trace.

It’s important to note that exceptions can also be re-thrown or propagated up the call stack using the “throw” statement. This can be useful for handling exceptions at a higher level or for propagating errors to a central error handling mechanism.

Overall, exception handling is an important part of writing reliable JavaScript code, and the “try…catch” statement is a powerful tool for managing errors in your programs.