How to specify a relative path for the jsUnit-ant-script?


To specify a relative path for the jsUnit-ant-script, you need to use the appropriate file path syntax based on the operating system you’re using.

For example, in Windows, you can use a relative path like this:

    <fileset dir="../test">
      <include name="**/*.js"/>

In this example, the dir attribute specifies a path relative to the location of the build.xml file, which contains the jsunit task. The ../test path specifies that the fileset element should look for JavaScript files in the test directory located one level above the build.xml file.

If you’re using a Unix-like operating system, you would use a forward slash / as the path separator. For example:

    <fileset dir="../test">
      <include name="**/*.js"/>

In this example, the dir attribute specifies the same relative path as in the previous example, but with forward slashes instead of backslashes.

Make sure to double-check the relative path you’re using and adjust it as needed to ensure that the jsunit task can locate the JavaScript files it needs to run.