Load JSON at runtime rather than dynamically via AJAX


Loading JSON data at runtime in JavaScript can be done by using the JSON.parse() method to parse a string containing JSON data into a JavaScript object.

Here’s an example of how you can do this:

// Assuming you have a JSON string stored in a variable called jsonData

// Parse the JSON data into a JavaScript object
var jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonData);

// Now you can access the data in the JSON object

In this example, the JSON.parse() method is used to parse the jsonData variable, which contains a JSON string, into a JavaScript object. The resulting object is stored in a variable called jsonObject. You can now access the data in the JSON object using the appropriate key or property name.

Note that when using this method, the JSON data needs to be included in your JavaScript code at runtime, either by embedding it directly in the code or by loading it from an external script file that is loaded via a script tag in the HTML file. This is different from dynamically loading JSON data via AJAX, which involves making a separate HTTP request to retrieve the data from the server.